Dear Cralt,
The dagger you’ve described is almost certainly connected to the Assassin’s Guild. How have you come to possess such a terrible item? I just hope it was intended for someone other than you.
You need to be very careful with the dagger. Let no one see it. And if you dispose of it, make it impossible for the dagger to be traced back to you.
The Assassin’s Guild is extremely high profile and highly effective. They’re said to operate out of Soleme and Nesai. Some doubt their existence, but I think the dagger you possess proves otherwise.
If you don’t already know, the Assassin’s Guild gives such daggers to two kinds of people. First, those marked for death (in cases where the client wants the victim to know their impending doom). And secondly, those who’ve been identified by the Guild as suitable for joining their ranks.
The first possibility is obviously terrible. But surely no one wants you dead that badly. Which only leaves the second option. And this is almost as bad. From what I’ve heard, when the Assassin’s Guild identifies a potential candidate, they don’t take “No” for an answer. Furthermore, if you do join them, you’ll essentially become a slave to the Guild. Apparently they have ways of turning candidates into loyal and dedicated killing machines.
As should be clear, either possibility means your life would be over, Cralt. So please, rid yourself of the dagger, especially if you don’t think it was intended for you. I very much hope that you’re safe. Beware of strangers who seem to know things about you.
Morric Eaverie
Morric to Cralt 2
Written on 4 HA, 581 B in Tarrin Falls. Received on 7 HA, 581 B in Vumira. Common.