Morric to Cralt 1

Written on 17 HN, 581 B in Tarrin Falls. Received on 20 HN in Vumira. Elvish.

Dear Cralt… I think!

Thanks for returning The Space Between – an interesting one for sure, although a little complicated at the end. The additional book you provided wasn’t necessary but is very much appreciated. I’ve always felt my knowledge of Iparran flora is lacking and this book presents an excellent opportunity to fill in the gap, thank you!

I have no further information about Mason, and certainly no information about a link between him and Lord Traven (Traven of all people)? A land deed like that could be faked, but it’d be a strange thing to do. Even stranger to then pretend it’s real and start parading about as a lord. Never heard of this happening before.

You mentioned a place in Iladence – Frisk? I haven’t heard of it. Although, I don’t often frequent bars, especially in busy places like Iladence… Also, if you want to improve your calligraphy skills, seek out one of the guilds found in most major cities. Additional training will take time and money of course.

About the Orb. I’ve indeed seen this thing before. I believe it’s referred to as the Orb of Seeing. It’s a magical item that can dispel visual illusions when activated – although make sure you close your eyes when doing so, gets kind of bright.

I have a librarian colleague in Iladence, by the name of Wymer. He manages the South Bishop’s Library and collection of magical artefacts. Whenever I pass through Iladence, Wymer likes to force me to look over all the new magical items recently added to the collection. And one time, many months ago, Wymer showed me the Orb of Seeing.

The question is, how did you end up with it? Wymer sometimes lends out items from the South Bishop’s collection – his illegal side business. Although usually the items he lends out are of little consequence, and they never end up in the wild. Hopefully you aren’t on the run after a major heist!

Anyways, the orb should be useful if you encounter any bothersome visual magic. Good for discovering hidden doors and dispelling false walls – or so Wymer told me.

Stay safe, and glad to hear you’re alive. Word around here was you had been killed while chasing our bandit attackers – you, the cleric Cesar, and the half-orc gentleman. Perhaps you should send word to Boris of your safety? Given that your message was in code, I figured you didn’t want me to do this on your behalf.


Morric Eaverie