Terrible what happened in Cliffside Harbour, isn’t it? I hear there’s a sizeable bounty on whoever attacked Thurron. Not that I ever concern myself with the bounty hunting trade.
Perhaps you’ll be interested to know that Thurron’s replacement has already been chosen. A dwarf woman named Gwenra - former advisor to Thurron. It’s unclear whether Gwenra’s appointment will be permanent, given the uncertainty around Thurron’s current condition. But it does seem clear that Gwenra would make for a calmer leader than Thurron. I expect things to be made official in a few days.
In Iladence, things have simmered down a bit. Although plenty of scheming happening behind the scenes. The Trickery Church has gained much favour. Less and less are they seen as secondary to the War Church.
I should also let you know that the Fanatics have practically taken over the Market District. Their armed devotees wander the streets and “keep the peace”. War and Trickery folk tend to avoid this district now. And Oharad doesn’t seem interested in quashing the growing Fanatic movement. But I’m not yet sure why.
Your message about going into the Vumiran Swamplands was unexpected, as your movements tend to be. To my knowledge, the only remotely interesting thing in the swamp - besides legends of an ancient Black Dragon - is an old and long forgotten wizard. A former member of the High Wizarding Council with a troubled past. Careful about getting caught up with these sorts of people. Powerful wizards are always up to more than they let on - and this is coming from a man like myself.
Your updates continue to be intriguing, so keep them coming. And of course, I’ll do the same.
John to PCs 2
Written on 4 HA, 581 B in Iladence. Received on 7 HA, 581 B in Vumira. Common.