John to Cralt 1

Written on 19 HN in Iladence. Received on 20 HN in Vumira. Common.

Included an Access Card for John’s Network.

Heard you left Iladence in a hurry. Hope you’re not running from anything.

I have my own pigeon network. We guarantee privacy and speed – far better than standard networks for sensitive information.

Given the caution you and your friends displayed at No Mercy, I thought you might find it useful to become a member of the network. See Brel at the back of the Sleeping Hero. Flash him the included card, pay the nominal fee, and you’ll have access.

Perhaps we’ll chat again soon.


PS. Something for your cleric friend. There was a ceremony at the Temple of War today. Whether or not it was a success depends heavily on whose side you’re on. While the war priests were parading about, praising the Army of Iladence and captain Ramsey, dozens of armed fanatics stormed into the Noble District. Rather than being celebrated, war ended up being waged. The whole debacle has been quite the embarrassment for the Church of War, and they’ve lost standing with the Bishop of the South. Some think that Zafir and his fanatics are just stirring trouble. But others suspect the High Priestess Adinora played a hand in how things went down. Although perhaps Cesar already knows this.