Dating system

Date format

Dates are written in the following format:

[day] [month], [year] [age]

For example, the 1st day of year 580 in the age of the Four Bishops:

1 Heimdist, 580 B

Short dates

Sometimes a date’s month is shortened to two letters: the first and last letter of the month name. E.g.

30 MA, 581 B

This reads as 30 Mordera, 581 B. Or, the last day of winter in the year 581 B.

If the year is known or implied, it can be dropped altogether: 15 TN

This reads as 15 Tideen. Or, the 15th day of the 2nd month of spring.

Yearly structure

A year in Iparra lasts 360 days.

There are four seasons - Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring - and each is split into 3 months of 30 days each. The year begins with the first day of summer.

The months

The first half of a month name is determined by the relevant season and its associated god, and the second half is a suffix denoting the month’s position in the season.

The suffixes are as follows:

  1. -dist
  2. -deen
  3. -dera

Summer – Heimdal

  1. Heimdist
  2. Heimdeen
  3. Heimdera

Autumn – Pandemona

  1. Pandist
  2. Pandeen
  3. Pandera

Winter – Morana

  1. Mordist
  2. Mordeen
  3. Mordera

Spring – Titan

  1. Tidist
  2. Tideen
  3. Tidera


  • Age of Kings (K)
  • Age of Wizards (W)
  • Age of Bishops (B)