Four Gods

Religious beliefs in Iparra usually focus on the below four gods. Each god has a dedicated church. Members of these churches recognise all of the Four Gods, but treat one with special reverence.

The Four Gods were the only known gods of Iparra, until the Lesser Pantheon was rediscovered during the Age of Bishops.


The goddess of War and Trickery. Usually depicted as a woman on a rearing horse, with a sword pointed forward and a dagger held behind her back. For the different groups of Pandemona worshippers, see the Church of Pandemona.


The god of Nature and Tempest. Usually depicted as a large, rocky entity, in the rough shape of a person but without a head. Sometimes referred to as male, and other times as genderless (it). Worshipped by those in the Church of Titan, based in Soleme (West).


The god of Knowledge and Light. Usually depicted as an elderly scholar, wearing elaborate robes with complex gold stitching. Worshipped by those in the Church of Heimdal, based in Ebaris (North).

Morana / Moranen (she/he)

The goddess of Life and Death. Usually depicted as a hooded figure, and statues of Morana tend to be either completely white or completely black. Sometimes depicted as a male, and referred to as Moranen. Worshipped by those in the Church of Morana, based in Nesai (East).