Island inhabitants
S7E3 | Sessions 6–8

  • PCsReginald & Sir Ares hear Wake’s theories about The Crescent, but refuse to drink to damnation.
  • PCs fix the lighthouse and avoid several huge tentacles.
  • PCs discover their rations have spoiled.
  • PCs notice Vangurn is following them. They give chase, but lose him in basilisk territory.
  • PCs descend into the cave at the X on Damian’s map. They find a pit of human/animal bodies and 4 carcass crawlers.
  • PCs defeat a carcass crawler while fending off Vangurn.
  • PCs become lost on the Crescent. They stumble across a cave with glowing fruit.

Nexus of evil

Wake tells the PCsReginald & Sir Ares about an ancient dwarven war fought on The Crescent, and evil forces drawn to the island. He urges the PCs to “drink to damnation”, although both refuse.

Later, the PCs are again awoken by their retainers, who’ve heard a grinding sound coming from the lighthouse. They investigate, and find part of the light’s mechanism to be broken.


The PCs see the lighthouse area is now totally surrounded by water. They also see huge dark tentacles moving across the island.

Reginald attempts to fix the light, but his failure results in an unsettling feeling. Ares shuts the lighthouse door, and a tentacle wraps itself around the building.

After finally fixing the light, the PCs spend the rest of the night in the lighthouse.


The PCs see no tentacles in the morning, although Ares sees traces of slime spiralling around the lighthouse.

The PCs tell Winslow to immediately repair the light if it ever malfunctions again. They then depart the lighthouse.

After a few days, the PCs reach the X on Damian’s map. They find a narrow, slimy cave leading down. They also realise their rations have spoiled.


As the PCs descend into the cave, the retainers call out that they see someone on the surface of the island.

The PCs return to the surface. The retainers lead them to some tracks in the dust, and the PCs follow. Eventually they see Vangurn fleeing in the distance.


As the PCs give chase, they pass several realistic bird statues. They pursue Vangurn more carefully, fearful of basilisks.

While Ares leads the party with their only mirror, she catches sight of a basilisk waiting in ambush. The PCs flee, outrunning the basilisk but losing Vangurn in the process.

Carcass crawlers

The PCs return to the cave and again descend. They reach an underground pit filled with human/animal bodies. When they see 4 carcass crawlers they immediately turn and flee.

While ascending, Ares is paralysed by a pursuing carcass crawler (50 minutes). As the PCs are pulled to the surface, Vangurn attacks their retainers.

All at once

Reginald, Hurrak, and Amed fight the carcass crawler while Vangurn interferes. Reginald and Hurrak are blinded by Vangurn’s corrupted shield, and Hurrak is paralysed by the carcass crawler (40 minutes).

Vangurn says he will teach “the Great Teloorg” about suffering, then flees as the carcass crawler is defeated.


The PCs set out for the lighthouse. After becoming lost, they manage to find the coast and follow it north, although the coast appears endless.

Exhausted and hungry, the PCs find a coastal cave with strange purple glowing fruit growing inside.