A cursed journey

  • Ben buys beer from Mosor, and the sailors rejoice.
  • PCsRandall & Ben hear commotion from the dwarven dig site. They rush to the rescue with the whole Troublemaker’s Crew.
  • PCs and the sailors defeat some giant poison snakes in the forest.
  • PCs find the dwarven dig site empty. The dwarves seem to have been dragged into a flooded underground cave.
  • Captain Shepard asks the PCs to assure the crew that the journey isn’t cursed.

Return to camp

Ben buys a barrel of beer from Mosor for 50 coins.

While travelling back to their own dig site, Nathan Goldman asks the PCsRandall & Ben about a “portal on the island”, but Randall avoids giving any details about the PC’s search.

The sailors celebrate Ben’s buying of beer. The next day, Captain Shepard explains that the treasure hunting world is ruthless, and Nathan is no exception.

Mosor finds the PCs, and says his dwarves are getting closer to reaching the underground caves.


The night after Mosor appears, the PC’s hear screams of terror from the dwarven dig site. They rally the sailors, and the whole camp sets off to aid the dwarves.

While travelling through the forest in the moonless night, Ben accidentally leads the group into several giant snakes. They succeed in defeating the snakes, but only after Watkins the immortal is knocked unconscious.

Ben tries and fails to intimidate Lavias the bard into giving up more health potions. Randall then charms Lavias, and gets two health potions from him, one of which Ben gives to Watkins. When the charm wears off, Lavias becomes furious with Randall.

Missing dwarves

The PCs find the dwarven dig site empty. Tracks in the dirt suggest that each of the dwarves was dragged through a rocky hole and into a water-filled cave.

Amongst the tracks, the PCs find a small patch of reptilian scales. They decide to wait until daytime to continue investigating the dwarven disappearances.


Back at their own campsite, Captain Shepard and First mate Rick tell the PCs that the rest of the crew are worrying about the journey being cursed. Shepard asks the PCs to reassure the crew.

Randall then casts Fly on himself, bursts from his tent, and floats over to the sailors with Ben hot at his floating heels. Randall speaks passionately down at the crew, assuring them that the dangers they’ve faced so far are nothing out of the ordinary, and that he and Ben have the power to protect them all. Ben adds his agreement, and swings his blade impressively.


The PC’s bold display stuns most of the sailors into silence. But A.B.S. Kenley responds with a speech of his own:

How can two adventurers of such esteem as yourselves be blind to the truth? The bad weather while sailing here. The ship being attacked. The flame warriors - at multiple campsites - that almost burned me and Watkins alive. The strange alters where sacrifices were probably made. Snakes in the forest, again almost killing Watkins. And now the dwarves! Killed, eaten, taken - whatever happened to them, it isn’t good, is it? And I’ve been telling the crew that we’ll be next if we don’t open our eyes to the curse that has befallen our journey.

While observing the anxious crew during Kenley’s speech, the PCs guess they’ll have 3 chances to convince them that the journey is safe - otherwise the sailors will be lost to Kenley’s fearmongering.

Sailors sitting around the campfire: A.B.S. Kenley, A.B.S. Hallie, Watkins the immortal, Hunter the cook, Burns the swabby.