The dwarves

  • PCsRandall & Ben, A.B.S. Kenley, Watkins the immortal, Nathan Goldman, and Lavias the bard defeat two Flame Guardians at the first dig site.
  • PCs encounter a group of dwarven treasure hunters, led by Mosor.
  • Mosor agrees to tell the PCs if he finds a portal on the island.
  • Nathan asks the PCs to get rid of the dwarves, and rages when they refuse.

Flame Guardians

The PCsRandall & Ben, A.B.S. Kenley, and Watkins the immortal battle the Flame Guardians. Randall and Watkins are knocked out mid-fight, and Nathan Goldman instructs Lavias the bard to revive Randall using a health potion. After the fight, Ben gets another health potion from Lavias after intimidating the bard, and then uses this to revive Watkins.

With the Guardians defeated, Nathan instructs the sailors to collect the rest of the crew and supplies. Kenley complains about the journey being cursed.


A couple weeks later, the PCs search for a third dig site with Nathan, Leta the assistant, Lavias, and First mate Rick. During the search, Nathan spots another ship anchored off the East coast of the Isle of Tarr. Worried about other treasure hunters, Nathan sets off to confront the ship’s owners.

Along the eastern coast, the group finds a collection of ruins being excavated by dwarves. Their leader, Mosor (who apparently hasn’t heard of Nathan), claims to be searching for treasure on the island.


Nathan tells the PCs to get rid of the dwarves. Refusing to take violent action, the PCs instead try to reason with Mosor. They tell him they’re not concerned about treasure on the island. Instead, they’re looking for a portal, one which might which be dangerous to activate. They urge Mosor to tell them if he finds this portal, and Mosor agrees.

The PCs then tell Nathan that the dwarves will be staying on the island. Nathan storms off in a rage, unhappy that the PCs are unwilling to “do what needs to be done.”