Special Params

Site-wide params


The unique ID for each page, and the string used in wikilinks. Ideally memorable and short, e.g. kerym rather than high priest kerym luralei.

A short ID prefix can be used to distinguish similar pages across multiple wikis. E.g.is2e3 for S2E3 in Iparra, and ms2e3 for S2E3 in Malhela Rise.

post_type, categories

categories is broader than post_type. E.g. the category “location” has post_types “settlement”, “landmark”, etc.


Text to appear under the page title.


An array of maps, each with a single key:value pair. A page’s info keys will be rendered as subheadings in that page’s right side menu, with associated values rendered underneath. Values may be arrays and/or wikilinks.

info keys and values will not be sorted, so ordering in frontmatter determines ordering in the right side menu.

info can be expanded, reduced, or deleted entirely on a page-by-page basis without breaking anything. If info is empty, a default right hand menu will render (e.g. recently added/modified pages).


An array of maps, each with a single key:value pair, defined in config.toml and cascaded to pages in specific directories. This Param is used in the right hand menu to generate a list of pages which reference the current page in their own info param.

A linked_from key serves as a heading in the right hand menu, and its value is a map with two specific keys:

  • categories: A string (array) of page categories to search through.
  • field: The key in info to search through in those pages.

E.g. linked_from could be used to create a list of episodes which each character appears in:

2  _target = {path = "/*/characters/**"}
3  [cascade.linked_from]
4    appears_in = {categories = "episode", field = "characters"}

Wiki params


Automatically prefixed with “A.K.A.”, and appended to the subtitle.


Text to appear italicised under the title/subtitle.


An array of CSS colour codes/names, e.g. ["snow", "#FFD700"]. Renders a “Colours” subheading at the top of the right hand menu, and underneath this a coloured block divided equally into sections with the specified colours. Works best if the number of colours provided is a factor of 60. See Soleme for example.


Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Will render at the top of the right menu.

prev, next

A page ID / wikilink. Used to generate linear nav links in the footer.